My Professional Certifications, Trainings, and Education


This is a comprehensive list of my professional certifications, trainings, and other important education that informs how I approach trauma-informed coaching with clients, students, and followers.


Perhaps you want to become a trauma-informed coach, learn more about the impacts of trauma, or simply know what trainings are behind my expertise. Either way, here’s a comprehensive list of where I started and with what information I continue my education. Continuing coaching education regularly throughout the course of my career is a top priority and ethical must. Plus, I love learning.

Learning through experience and life is also highly important to me — and while that can’t necessarily be quantified like courses and programs can, it’s important to know that I have decades of lived experience (in trauma healing and business, likewise) that flavor how I implement and interpret each course and program in this list. Lived experience might not be easily quantifiable, but it’s as valuable as gold. (I prefer it in a lot of ways and have been known to dig into a project, learning hands on as I go based on my own critical thinking skills and creativity. It’s so fun! Although, when you need to get something done quickly, courses and programs are the way to go.)

In-person and organized live programs, like the ones from my coaching school, are amazing and valuable. They have their rightful place in my lists. Although, I do prefer self-paced and bite-size education when possible. As you’ll see, there’s a lot of that in this list as it offers the flexibility that I like so I can balance my life.

I update this list regularly as I complete new trainings and education.

Here’s what’s included in this post:

Professional Coach and Trauma Certifications and Training

The trainings in this list directly impact my coaching career, from my initial coaching education that enabled me to do the trauma recovery work I do at BFC in the first place, and then supplemental coaching and trauma education that enriches my base coaching education. Even though I’m not a licensed medical professional and I do NOT practice medicine or therapy, psychotherapy, psychology, and biology education are great resources that help inform the coaching exercises, programs, and resources I create and curate for my clients and students to take action to change their lives.

Other Important Education

The trainings in this list support my personal interests and values, which heavily tie into my coaching approach. As we are whole humans with parts that make up the whole, I believe that each part influences the other. So, when you work with me as a coach or teacher, you work with me as a whole human. That’s glorious!

Business Education

The trainings in this list have been instrumental in progressing my business skills, enabling me to be a heart-centered and service-based online business owner, which has been a lifelong dream. I would recommend these mentors and programs to anyone with the same dream.

Must Read Books for Trauma Education

These books are foundational if you want to expand your knowledge of the impact of trauma. They’re my go-to reference materials at the moment.

Formal Education

I have a Bachelor’s of Science in Mass Communications from Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). I majored in journalism with minors in English and entrepreneurship. This was many, many years ago, lol.

Questions or Comments?

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions in the comments, or you can schedule a free consultation.


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